Element.JoinGeometry doesn’t work

Hello community, I write this post cause I’m having some problems on joining some dynamo created elements

The fact is that I’m using Element.JoinGeometry so as to join a cealing with some metalic profiles nested in a structural frame family. At once, node error says “Those elements does not intersect”, which is not true, but if I disconnect and reconect ropes, it definitely works. This is a Little beat disgusting because it makes the script become non executable from the Dynamo Player

The unión of lists is set as “the longest list” and I don’t know what could be happening. Do you have some idea?

I’m using Revit 2025

If it otherwise works when you disconnect and reconnect the string, as a work-around, you could try to add a boolean switch:

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I like the switch code block

Are you creating these elements in the same graph? If so you can’t join them to each other or to other elements until after you commit the transaction.

Wire the current input into the join node into a Transaction.End followed by a Transaction.Start on the list of elements and then into the join node. That should clean things up. You might need to put a ‘wait for’ method taking the transaction start and the second input for the join node as well, but I can’t confirm.


Best Jacob, it was that!

Thank you so much :grinning:
And thank you also, Andy, for your ideas and commenting!

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