Issue with topo coordinates

I all!
I have some problems with coordinates:

As you can see I’m trying to insert objects by topograph points (txt file), but I don’t know if Revit reads my information in a right way: in this example, on Dynamo, I connect X,Y,Z (from the txt file) but dynamo sand me an error because it seems that the field is too large, but actually I’m working in those coordinates (in the image you can see a coordinate of a object on my drawing)… I feel I missing some information…
Can you help me!?

@TomasoCardia ,

just clean up your csv … x,y,z you access via transpose and indexing


ok, but consider that the object allows me to insert them… their are inserted in the model, but no in the right place!

"Warning: Entries are outside the allowed modeling range; consider choosing the Extra Large parameter with a modeling range between 1 and 100,000,000 in the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog box.

in this place revit placed my objects

It could be because the sharing coordinates?

Yes. You’re sending the survey coordinates to the internal coordinate system. I was typing pretty a more elaborate explanation but you’ve figured out the why so I don’t need to anymore. :slight_smile:

Look into transforming the created points from the survey coordinates to the identity coordinate system before you push the data to Revit.

great! Do you know how to?

Hola Amigo @TomasoCardia buenas.
Check also the units and dimension of you’re revit file, revit familly file, and coordinates file, they should correspond each other to give rigth result, looks like you are doing well, I think you only need to verify that everything corresponds, the families are well placed, only that they seem to be 1 mm or m or km, one on top of the other.

Hola Gilberto,
thank you for your answer, as i wrote my problem is that I need to translate my x,y,z to shared coordinate of the project … It seems could be the real problem… And don’t know you know how to solves this point

thank you!

Genius Loci package has a node to do this for you. Build the points as you were before, and use the node Convert from SurveyPoint CoordinateSystem.

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Thank you very much!

this is the solution that was I’m looking for… Hope It could be helpful for others too!

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