Using Revit2024, Dynamo2.19
having issue while using custom node “tocolumngeometry” from KYSUDO package with inclined columns it takes the outside dimensions and put them in the output b,h
below picture show the issue:
I am importing the BLUE rectangles from CAD file and the node read it with the bigger WHITE rectangle.
any one know how to fix that or any alternative custom nodes.
Hello Hamdallah,
Is it possible for you to share what you have tried in Dynamo until now? It would be helpful to investigate further.
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Thanks for your response here what i got till now:
as you see in ToColumnGeometry node i got 12 dictionaries for 12 columns it gives good results for Hal or Val columns any oriented column it takes bounding box neglecting its orientation which result in wrong dimensions.
I have not used this package, but I would wager that the ToColumnGeometry is built with one of the following two logics, both of which will cause an issue with the the dimensional accuracy.
Pull the axis aligned BoundingBox of the geometry, query the width and length by getting the differential of the X and Y value of the min and Max point. As the aligned bounding box won’t give correct differentials for rotated columns you’ll have issues here.
Patches the polycirve and pulls the length of the U and V isocurves from the resulting surface. As patch doesn’t result in a trimmed surface this will also cause issues.
As I don’t know the author, nor the certainty of the logic, I can’t recommend a particular resolution which utilizes the node. I can recommend trying with a BoundingBox.ByMinimumVolume, query the resulting bounding box’s coordinate system, and transform your geometry by the inverse coordinate system before extraction g the dimensions with this. This does require that you are in a 2024 build of Revit.
For previous builds you could look at grouping each curve by the modulo of 90 and the angle of the curve from the X axis, and summing the lengths, and rotating the PolyCurve by the angle with the largest length.
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