Issue with SteamNodes "Schedule.GetCalculatedValues" Node

I’m not entirely sure if there is an issue with the node, or if it is working properly and this is just something I have not encountered before. The issue I have is that the Schedule.GetCalculatedValues from SteamNodes does not seem to work properly unless the schedule views that it pulls from are opened by the user before running the graph. It will pull certain values but output blanks for other values (see attached pictures. The first picture shows the output of the node when the schedule views were not opened and the second picture is with the schedule views open. Other than opening the schedules, nothing is different between the two runs. (Also attached is the schedule to show that with the schedule views open the node works properly) I have not come across any nodes that only work with the associated views opened and wanted to ensure this isn’t a problem with my graph, or the node. Thanks in advance.