Issue with python script within custom node

Dynamo 2.19, Python 3, Revit 2024
I have issue with this code when i run it , the outputs gives correct # of dictionaries but with null values, if any one can help figure the issue please advice.


# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# The inputs to this node will be a list of polycurves.
polycurves = IN[0]

# Create lists for the outputs.
insertionPoints = []
directionsX = []  # Length in X direction
directionsY = []  # Length in Y direction
rotationAngles = []

# Loop through each polycurve.
for polycurve in polycurves:
  # Get the bounding box of the polycurve.
  boundingBox = polycurve.BoundingBox

  # Get the center point of the bounding box.
  insertionPoint = boundingBox.CenterPoint

  # Calculate the vector representing the width (X direction).
  # Find the two points on the X edges with the maximum and minimum Y values.
  maxXminY = polycurve.FindPointsAt(lambda p: p.X == boundingBox.MaxPoint.X and p.Y == boundingBox.MinPoint.Y)[0]
  minXmaxY = polycurve.FindPointsAt(lambda p: p.X == boundingBox.MinPoint.X and p.Y == boundingBox.MaxPoint.Y)[0]
  directionX = maxXminY - minXmaxY

  # Calculate the vector representing the height (Y direction).
  # Find the two points on the Y edges with the maximum and minimum X values.
  maxYminX = polycurve.FindPointsAt(lambda p: p.Y == boundingBox.MaxPoint.Y and p.X == boundingBox.MinPoint.X)[0]
  minYmaxX = polycurve.FindPointsAt(lambda p: p.Y == boundingBox.MinPoint.Y and p.X == boundingBox.MaxPoint.X)[0]
  directionY = maxYminX - minYmaxX

  # Get the length of the directions (width and height).
  lengthX = directionX.GetLength()
  lengthY = directionY.GetLength()

  # Calculate the rotation angle (assuming clockwise rotation):
  # Use the arctangent function to find the angle between the positive X-axis and directionX.
  rotationAngle = math.atan2(directionX.Y, directionX.X)  # Radians, adjust for degrees if needed
  # Convert to degrees if necessary: rotationAngle = math.degrees(rotationAngle)

  # Add the values to the output lists.

# Set the output of the node to the lists of values.
OUT = insertionPoints, directionsX, directionsY, rotationAngles


Custom node visualization:

Once you are in the custom node environment you aren’t getting a lot of polycurves, but one. The custom node is called sequentially for each polycurve provided.

As such you need to remove your for loop or enforce the list structure (and output).