I’m developing stadium seating using Dynamo and Generative Design. I have encountered a problem in that my Python code in a node that is giving me an output of * (no value). I started to debug it using a simple OUT_debug output to see which node caused the error. I’ve found that the node script below is giving me no output. Is this a limitation with Revit 2021 Generative Design? The node script is not complex nor is it using any special libraries. This node is part of a larger script flow, but it seems to be the one that is causing a problem as I’m debugging.
- Select a Revit Detail Line and convert to poly curve
- IN are doubles and int for setting the distance.
- OUT is the array of offset, original curve, and debug
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
# Selected Revit detail line converted (Polycurve)
curve = IN[0]
# Seating offset T (double)
offset = IN[1]
# Row offset (int)
D = IN[2]
# Eye offset from rear (double)
T = IN[3]
# Row offset X value (int)
x = IN[4]
# Top of riser Y value (int)
y = IN[5]
# size of field (int)
fieldSize = IN[6] / 2
# focal distance (double)
F = IN[7]
#debug output
OUT_debug = 555
# inital point at edge of field
pt = Point.ByCoordinates(x[0] + fieldSize, y[0], 0)
# distance from point to loft curve
distance = Geometry.DistanceTo(pt, curve)
OUT_offsetCurves = []
# offset curves to create seating
for i in offset:
curveEdge = i - F + distance
seatCurve = curveEdge + (D - T)
x = Curve.Offset(curve, seatCurve)
# Original focus curve
OUT_focusCurve = Curve.Offset(curve, -F)
OUT = OUT_offsetCurves, OUT_focusCurve, OUT_debug
Below is an image of the debug output. I would assume that this would have the give 555, but if the node is not compiling it will give a null result. I also assume that is the node is giving a null it also will not generate any geometry.
If you have any information on what might be causing this any help would be much appreciated.
Kindest Regards,
Danny Bentley