Issue With Custom Node On Restarting Dynamo

Hi all!

I am having an issue loading a custom package to dynamo on starting dynamo, every time I restart dynamo I have to delete the path and save it again for the custom nodes to work within the dynamo environment. It then doesn’t work properly in dynamo player.

I named the custom node and folder containing all the custom nodes as named “A’s Node” and am working with dynamo version 2.16.

How has the custom node been built, as a .dyf or as a zero touch node or…?

Is there a copy in package and in the definitions folder? How is your Dynamo environment configured for loading content, only from the local disc or other locations?

The nodes are save as regular custom nodes as .dyf files. I saved the all the nodes in a folder I created inside the definitions folder.

Additional info, it is on my computer at work that I have to remove and resave the path each time, but yesterday at home I have the same folder and package and it doesn’t have this issue. At home I work on the revit 2024 and this current issue is with revit 2023.

Do the files have to be saved also in the folder and also in definitions?

Because the nodes are in BOTH the definitions folder and the package you’re double loading them, which is causing a conflict (even though they are the same the way they are tracked by Dynamo is different).

Try renaming your definitions folder (Dynamo will make a new one next time you start it up) and see if that clears the issue.

If I move the folder out of the definitions folder and set its path in dynamo then the issue won’t occur?

If any node is loaded twice you’re going to have issues. Keep things in the package, or in the defintions folder, not both.

It isn’t in both. The custom nodes folder is in the definition folder alone.

So you’re not loading a package, just the definitions?


Ok - the use of “package” in your first post threw me off. Sorry.

Try moving everything to the definitions folder - it may not allow recursive addition. Alternatively you can package them locally, which will help with distribution internally or via the package manager in the future.

My bad, I noticed it before posting and thought I erased all mentions of package…
If I save the folder in a different location and set the path to it, should that also solve the issue?

Potentially, but if anything persists somewhere else you’ll have issues.

If you’re looking at “a folder” I recommend just building a local package; life will be WAY easier once you do.

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Haven’t gotten to dealing with packages yet. I may just begin now :slight_smile:

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