Is it possible to use dynamo to change the ext wall to int

Hi. In one of my old projects I accidently created walls that should be interior as external. Is it possible to use dynamo to select elements (holding left click) and make dynamo consider only the walls to change their function like exterior to interior

Pretty sure this is a yes but it has been AGES since I’ve had to consider it.

Assuming you know which wall types ought to be exterior via the name, you can quickly select all the wall types, get the name, run a String.Contains or other test, filter the walls by that test, and set the “Type” parameter.

Hi @kalktika and welcome here…yes first sort them as mention, and then set the function parameter…


And here’s an example to remove selection by filtering wall types based on wall type names:

You might want to filter by something like String.Contains “Brick” or similar,. as it’s unlikely you have a bunch of even suffixes which trail the value(s).


Is it possible to use dynamo to select elements (holding left click) and make dynamo consider only the walls to change their function like exterior to interior

Is it possible to use dynamo to select elements (holding left click) and make dynamo consider only the walls to change their function like exterior to interior

One thing to keep in mind: Walls don’t have a function, you’d need to select the walls and then get the types. If you select wall 1 and 5 to make exterior, but walls 2 and 9 are the same type they will also be made exterior even though you didn’t select them.

You can use the Select Model Elements node as a way to grab multiple items, and the package Spring nodes has a node “Select Elements In Order”.

Yes it as Jacob mention you could use spring select element…but just guess it wouldnt be faster than do it manuel so :wink: but lets say you have rooms or spaces you can probably find out which walls you need give an other function, and then duplicate that walltype and set the function

oh so there is no way to change the walls individually with dynamo by selecting. You are basically not changing the walls with code individually if there is another wall with the same name that I haven’t selected it will be changed as well. Am I right?

Function is a Type parameter. As per usual with Revit any wall of the same type will become interior/exterior/core/whatnot when you make this change.

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