Selecting elements of a category based on type (e.g. External wall and internal wall) + User Interface for a scoring system based on different types of elements

Hi there,

I am a novice in Dynamo and would like to ask for advice on how I can select elements of a specific type on a level, say for walls, differentiate between External and Internal Walls?

I am trying to create an API that allows selection of these elements (the same instances) and assigning a factor to them based on type, so that I can perform calculations related to “prefabrication scoring called IBS scoring”. Here’s what I came up with but I’m stuck due to lack of experience. I’ll attach my script here if it helps. Any advice
Trial.dyn (58.3 KB)
would be greatly appreciated!


The more straight forward approach would be to get both parameters (Level and Function) from all your Wall elements and filter them accordingly.

Thanks for your reply! Is this done through python or can dynamo nodes actually do that? I’ve actually tried out a bit using the python script, which I am still learning, but I’m not very sure what parameters to mention, could you enlighten me on this?

It can definitely be done with either. You would have to determine which parameters specify what you’re looking for, but I would guess at least the Base Constraint and likely the Function from the WallType.

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