Instance Parameter

I have created a script that adds 4 new parameters to walls with information about paint on it.
Problem I have is that I must manually pick wall by wall and run a script to make it work.
Does somebody have an idea how to automate process to have all walls get parameter written at once.
Thank you in advance.

This is the result.

Try this:

Create a Shared Project Parameter and set it to the Wall Category as Instance parameter

I have tried, but then I have problem with the part “get item at index”.

Can you show what you tried?

And think about what you want to do, in Revit it takes very little time to do this.

It’s not the problem to create parameters in Revit I know, I have difficulties getting the paint area and paint name written in it. If you have an idea how to do it in Revit please share.

Its hard to see where the values come from, the picture is split in 2 parts.
Can you post the .dyn file here?

Thank for your time!

Boja - parametri.dyn (39.1 KB)

After you created the Shared Project Parameters and set it as an instance to the Wall Category you can try this.

Boja - parametri2.dyn (15.2 KB)


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Yes, I had this idea earlier, but when you select All Elements of Category (I have 1253 walls in my project), part with Get Item at Index doesn’t work anymore because it not have just two indexes, that’s my problem from the start.

Maybe you can filter the walls that have paint on them first, get the material from those