Write instance parameters to another field

Good day
I would like to write the created phases of walls in another information field e.g. Pset_WallCommon.Status. The currently created script is attached as a screenshot. Unfortunately, this script does not work completely, currently no value is written to me. Also, is there a way to extend this script to use all categories or do I have to create this script for each category individually?
Thank you for your support in advance.
Greetings Philipp

Hello @0philipp0 and welcome here :wink: try something here…and try get the phase name as string


Hello Sovitek

Thank you for your quick feedback.
I have made the adjustment to the Dynamo script.
Unfortunately the last module “Element.SetParameterByName” is not working properly.
I still have the dynamo file in the following link.
so you can also see the error message.
Greetings Philipp

Hi @0philipp0 …I assume wænde is wall…and its phase created you wanna write to another parameter…

Thanks for the tip, I have now chosen the structure like this but I now have the following error message:
Element.SetParameterByName failed.
The location of the parameter is not an element.
The parameter in which I want to write the information is a normal text parameter.
Greetings Philipp

hmmm are your sure you spell it right ?, is it a type parameter ? and be sure its a text parameter…

For me, it is an instance parameter “Exemplarparameter”. I have selected the same settings as you.

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Looks all good :wink: could you show your grapg with all nodes expanded because now i am a little confused as in your first image there getparameter give elements ? isnt it phasecreated parameter you read from ? it should give a string…if that node gives element then try take its name as string and feed into setparemeter…hope it make sense

looks like you get the phases itself with getparameter in your first image…strange…which version are in ? …

cool now it works it was the name issue that was missing. Thanks for your help.
Greetings Philipp