I wonder how we could convert a list of id from excel and select the elements in Dynamo.
I’ve tried every node of “id to element” type, and it doesnt work at all.
I also try to change the list to number, but it is alreade a number.
If i use codeblck and type manually every id number, it works…
here an example, but this time i use flux for the input Id(s).
As you can see, i even type in codeblock a number (and those numbers exist in the project.)
if i plugged a list of ID directly from a Dynamo selection, it works. but if its from Excel or Flux, none of the nodes are working.
thank you for your time.
Ps: by the way, great tutorial on ThinkParametric.
Well, that’s a really long list of IDs. I bet there is at least one in that list that is no longer valid and its killing the whole party for you. Try what @salvatoredragotta suggested and let’s see what happens.
This Is a nice approach and could solve orphan id.
But why convert to number and then to string?
Thought they were only thoses types of parameters : integer, double, boolean and string.
To answer your question about the “permanency” of Element Ids. They are NOT supposed to be permanent. The idea is that Element Id of an Element in a WORKSHARED Revit model can change at any time during its life. To make a long story short the id can be reassigned when different people edit the element and then synch to Central model. Please see this post for more info: http://thebuildingcoder.typepad.com/blog/2015/02/understanding-the-use-of-the-uniqueid.html
Next time just use the UniqueId property, also commonly known as Guid. Those NEVER change.