thats not realy a dynamo issue at the moment i would focus on your family issues! like flip tool, or parametric style …
I’m trying it to Randomize it using Dynamo in a way to have such an output. The 4 points Adaptive component is a already given an offset parameter. Is there any parameter should I add ? any tips would be greatly appreciated.
i like the designscript comment List.Shuffle(x)
you can feed it with random lenght, i would recomment Parameterlength 0..1..#100
Correct me if I’m wrong but that’s not flipping an adaptive component?
That is putting in different points for the adaptive component?
You need to work out what the points are. You can randomise the points.
Exactly I want to Randomize the point, precisely by specify the start point of each AC, any recommendations ?
But still list shuffling wouldn’t give me the requested pattern if I’m not wrong!
Well without knowing exactly what you want for an outcome it’s a little difficult.
I assume you need 4 points for each adaptive panel.
I assume you want the panels to be vertical
I assume you want two diagonal points to ‘stick out’ from the other two.
So therefore you need a list of points that do this…
I’d start with the first one maybe… so you have 4 points.
[0 , 0 , 0] , [ 100 , 100, 0 ] , [ 100 , 0 , 100] , [ 0 , 100 , 100]
x axis being left to right
y axis being front and back (does it stick out)
z axis being vertical …
You want your panels to join up… So the next one would probably start at 100 on the x axis…
I would start by making each one square but randomly deciding if points 0 and 2 OR points 1 and 3 were the stick out ones…
Get that working and develop it from there.
So it’s the y axis that’s the random one. Add 100 (for example) to points 0 and 2 OR points 1 and 3 .
Actually this is the concept that I was thinking in, But unfortunately I’m a beginner and I didn’t get your points you very well. Is there any chance to contact you through email ?
It’s best to have a go at it yourself and post the code here.
Best way to learn
I just need a node to start from! thank you
Loads of resource on the internet