I have a long list of projects where we are placing markerboards and dimensioning them to adjacent walls. Since my team is using autocad backgrounds I was planning on having them place a grid line on top of the wall face they want to dimension to and use dynamo to do the dimensioning.
I would rather have them dimension to the room separation line that they will be placing there, but I haven’t found any tutorials that describe how to do it.
Is there a way to do this, and can I purchase this script?
You can get the reference of a room separation line. And if your markerboard family is setup correctly using the built-in reference planes “Center (Left/Right)”, etc, you can dimension to both references. There are several post in the forum about dimensioning to references, so search and read through those first. Automating may be your biggest challenge as far as defining which separation line to dimension to from the markerboard.