I want place framing follwing roof curve, but when i tring to get curve from my selected "roof" its givitng me an "Empty List"

i want to follow my beam/beamsystem to the highlighted red line

Hi @Vinay try get face instead and use eg,perimeter or isocurves for path

Select edges also works well here.

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Yeps :wink:

thanks, @jacob.small @sovitek this has worked but i am not able to get framing as i want

i has tried to select both the faces but it hasnt worked, below is the snip showing how we are geeting the framing but how i want it different

on the red line i want to place 36 framings

  1. Select the lines and the face. Join the curves into a list.
  2. Curve.ParameterAtPoint to get the end points spaced along each of the lines. Note that you may have to reverse one of the curves so both have parameter 0 on the same side.
  3. Surface.UVParameterAtPoint to get the UV at each point.
  4. Split the list of parameters so that one side of UVs is one list, and the other side is another list.
  5. Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface to get the lines which follow the surface.
  6. Place your framing accordingly.

Watch your list levels and lacing at each step.

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Hi @jacob.small, i have tried it but at the end "Structural framing operation ha failed.

i have kept lacing in my mind, and at each point i have check element which is 36 at per my requirement

i am able to get start and end point out of it, i am thinking to make a arch by three point, could you please help me to get mid point at peak height, if you have any way to get it, thanks

I think your parameters need to be transposed before you build the curves, but I need to see your data leading into that node to know for sure. Can you expand one of the code blocks previews?

it could be from this issue also

i have selected edges on red line and element.face on the green line

Looks like your edge selection is off - you want an edge on the surface.

As told by Mr. Jacob


@jacob.small @christian.stan @sovitek

hi @christian.stan, could you please let me know why we use x = list[1] and do we have to choose if we have another geometry each time

thanks I finally got it, is there any youtube channel of yours which i can follow to learn more.


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As it is inscribed in a circle (the circle must be very complicated computationally to manage no start no end) the node returns 3 arcs (2 arcs are useless, 1 arc is the correct one)

We could potentially ask for a point halfway along these arcs and filter with boolean if contact with surface.

I don’t have a YouTube channel, I learn here by trying to answer here and there and by scrutinizing the responses of people with solid skills (I’m not naming anyone, List is not Empty :wink: too delicate)


Ohh that’s a great work, one more question i would like to ask.

Its arc so we have created a circle and split it and used the part we needed.

If our roof will be in curve form(zig zag) like one up and one down so we cant create a circle and split it because we have more than 2 point here.

What we can do here to place framing on the roof surface??

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I would potentially say that there is already an error in the design (stagnation bowl, high weight, potentially sinister deformation not good, it’s a joke)
a point at parameter 0.5 on the bool condition surface would do the job
The circle was more a consequence of returning the node than of an action
(Circle object must be a mess to deal with)

or another direction bounding box around the element draw a mesh in the plane passing the bbmin.Z or bbmax.Z and projection on the surface


I would give it a try, thanks man for saving my hours of work :sweat_smile::blush:

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I tried with projection and cutting with a plan I don’t get convincing results (weird), I will test tomorrow with a cond bool 1st scenario (I don’t have a save script)


It seems that if the surface is not confused with a pure circular generator, it should not be cut (to be confirmed, I may be talking nonsense, not a first)


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not sure at all, but here is some alternative ways could probably help[not so good as @christian.stan solutions;)…if i understand the issue right :wink:

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Thanks @christian.stan for giving it a shot.

I am looking forward to it :blush:

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Hi @sovitek, thanks for your insight.
At first i too thought creating an Arch by three points. But i was not being able to automatically capture curve mid point at height. As i wanted to make it an automated script to place beam on any Arc geometry’s.

Could you please guide me how i can get the middle point of any arc considering it height automatically.