I want place framing follwing roof curve, but when i tring to get curve from my selected "roof" its givitng me an "Empty List"

Hi @Vinay im not really sure whats the issue is could you share your rvt sample…

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Hi, here is a script with boolean management of contact with surface and orientation permutation (this should cover quite a few cases, until the next special case)

Thank you Mr. Sovitek for the compliment :wink:

reponse 27_01_21_beam for roofv2.dyn (36.2 KB)


Thank you so much @christian.stan, that is very helpful :saluting_face::saluting_face:

Could you please guide me “Boolean and the code block next to eat”

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Thanks @sovitek. it was something i wanted to automate.So for any arc or curve like structure i can automate framings :wink:


Great thanks, i see you have a great knowledge of design scripts.

I remember earlier i was working on to automate pile tags as pe my organisation standard in such a way that it tag all the piles from bottom left corner and sort 1st and them 2nd row and so on.

I failed in that but you quick response helped me bit to get a direction bu it was always picking “bottom right corner” and also an issue was that it somehow mis matched coordination values of a pile to other to tag. Which creates wrong coordinates values for piles.

I will let you know when i sort it out in near future.

Thanks :smiling_face:

Hi @Vinay guess its a another topic…if Christians solution fit you please mark the solution, cheers :wink:

Yes @sovitek, Indeed

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@sovitek, Could you please let me know which package you used for “Element.geometry Fast”

yes sure…synthezise toolkit

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You will need install the package from packagemanager

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Restored this post as it was required for the thread to read.


Thanks @sovitek. it worked

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