I can't find my package

What have I done wrong this time :expressionless:

A single package is in 3.0 packages…

But in Dynamo, it’s vanished (it was there earlier)…
However, an add-on called, “Revit” is there.

What’s going on?

Is there a pkg.json in that package folder?

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if it is yours , i think you struggle with .dll files. Can you build your stuff again in visual studio ?


And in the packages folder only the one package so far:

I made the few nodes in there this morning from scratch in Dynamo (not in VS).

I did Ctrl+Shift+N. Then filled out name and description and typed in Addon-Ons Category and clicked the Save button.

The Add-Ons Category had, "Revit, Revit.Steel Connections and Revit.Steel Connections.Filter options but I added a new one.

If I drag and drop a single node from my windows folder onto the Dynamo canvas the whole package then appears under my Add-ons.

I also notice the package paths only say 3.0 and not 3.0 packages?


oh… I just clicked what your question was getting at Jacob.

How do I restore/ create a JSON?

UPDATE… I think it was the missing JSON.

So I copied one from another package and opened in VS… Changed the data to suit and stuck it into the folder.

So far… so good. :smiley:

The easy way to generate the pkg.json is to publish a package locally; that will generate EVERYTHING you need without having to update anything in VS. This way you can add help files, extra content, and other such stuff too.