How to use wombat Wall.ByProfile for Wall Finishes

I want to use the Wall.ByProfile node provided in the wombat package for Wall Finishes. I’m new to Dynamo so I’m not able to figure this out. Earlier i was using Wall.ByFace node for wall finishes using In-Place Mass. However, Massing Method has its limitations. We need to use this for plaster quantities (in area) and since we use composite models(AR+ST+MEP).

Please help!

Can you post what you have tried? Also a small file relative to the type of situations you have for others to test on, and an example of what you would want the outcome to be.

Also which version of Revit you are in will matter quite a bit here, as there are a lot of changes in wall capabilities in 2022 and coding tools in 2023 (and maybe more in 2024… 2025…).

Hello Jacob, appreciate the quick response. I am using Revit 2022. Will post it asap. Im actually unable to figure out how to use this node. I basically need to place a plaster wall on the existing brick wall and not have to manually profile it. I want the plaster wall to be profiled exactly as the brick wall I am placing it on to. Similar to the Pick-Face command for walls in revit. Will upload screenshots of the requirement in a bit.

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I have uploaded a sample file. The Model in the left is the type of output I need. I need the the plaster ‘wall’ to automatically profile themselves to the host brick wall. unfortunately the pick line command that works on walls, does not automatically profile the wall while the Pick face command that automatically profiles the wall, does not work on walls because it needs a generic or mass model. Thanks.
Example to upload.rvt (5.8 MB)

I was trying to use this method, however it was giving totally different results in Revit 2022 amd not working as intended to:

I’ll try and have a look at this tomorrow - pretty well past quitting time here now.

The solution to this post will be one method I’ll look to utilize: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste

Hello @10dbim3 …i have tried with wall by profile seems it doesnt like inserts…i would try by face and generate a mass as here…Jacobs solution are probably better but havent tried it yet :wink:

or by room…

Look into Modelical package. There’s finishing node in it.

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ohh yeah @Vladimir thats true :wink:

Also consider MOD.Wall Finishes by Room from Synthesize package. Did’t tried it, but all other i’ve tried is outstanding.

Yes, I have checked the Modelical Package - Wall finishes node, unfortunately that does not automatically profile walls :confused:

Hey! thank you so much. Will try this. I really wanted the Wall.ByProfile to work. The problem with massing is that if the mass model gets too complex, Revit does not let me select a lot of faces at once. also I had noticed that if the it will always take the shape of the walls which isn’t always the best thing in situations where a column is attached to the slab. Like need to find a way to automate or semi automate the finishes process as its too tedious and time consuming. Ill try your script and get back to you. Thanks a lot once again for taking the time out. Cheers!

Ill check out the synthesize package and see if that helps. Thanks!

Hi i see now you are 2022 then try this one from synthezise instead family geometry from spring :wink:

also it would be really nice of you to share the Wall.ByProfile script if its easily accessible to you (the one which didn’t like inserts). I would just like to see how were the inputs provided for the node(especially the profile input) since I was really having a tough time figuring that out.

Sure, ill go check it out. Hopefully that helps!

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After the Walls.Byface node, I see a pass through node. Why is it required and could you send me a snapshot of that part of the script? Thanks

Yeah sure thats becourse i delete the mass after run…so for update you need run again…as the family we create is a real loadable family and not in place anyway…

The Element Faces node is giving me an internal error. Any insight on why it is happening?

nope…but try show all your graph expended…

show all graph expended meaning?