How to sort list of Points with List of Spaces


I have this script that outputs the desired values. But so far I cannot figure out how to get the two lists filtered the way I want.

I want to see if each location falls within the spaces below. When I use the pictured node it looks like it only looks for the first location on the list in the spaces.

I need help on how to filter each location value to see if its in any of the 9 spaces and then get a list of the boolean for each point on if its in a desired space or not.

Thank you in advance

@Clayton.Woollen_UVKH ,

could be that is a similar topic



Set the input for ‘point’ to @L1 and set the lacing to longest. You should then get a list of True/False for each point in space 1, then a list in space 2, space 3…