Element and linked space model

Hello all,

I’m using @Alban_de_Chasteigner 's package to find the space for the given element.
It is working for maximum elements but failing for a few.
The reason is as location point of those elements are lying outside of the space, whereas 99% elements is inside the space only.
Can anyone have a trick or workaround it?
So that it reports all the elements/spaces.

Thank you.
Atharva Purohit

Hi Atharva in that case where an element dont hit the space, then i like to get the element location point so we can translate down in space, so we are sure it hit…here i would try with these one here

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Hi Soren,
Hope you’re doing good!
Thanks for responding.

Actually the issue is that the location point in not in the space, else Alban’s node would have already caught it.
Regarding translating it to the space, I was thinking of doing something same but for translation, it would need a direction, which I do not know how we can do, at once for all the elements in different orientations.


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Thanks…all good :wink: hope the same down there :wink: think i misunderstand its a link :wink: so long it is in z direction its easy i think…

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Instead of translating it, you could try unioning all of the spaces into a massive solid, then using a Geometry.ClosestPointTo node to pull the points onto the unioned solid. From there the point should always be ‘on’ the space, which I believe works for the SpaceAtPoint method. Best to check a single item first.

Alternatively you could update stuff that’s built to go above the ceiling to show the room calculation point a bit below the object - this is likely a best practice as it would schedule correctly in Revit as well - or extend the height of the space to encapsulate the vertical height all the way to the level above (this may have some negative impacts on your calculations though).


Yes Jacob thats could be an option as well :wink: thx for yesterday it was really great :wink:

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