How to set position for LeaderElbow in Python?

Where can I get which parameter and type a method needs in Python?
In API Docs I just got the name of the method without parameter or an example

Thank you!

It’s wanting a Revit point, so use the XYZ() wrapper.

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XYZ got an error. Firstly, I think it from Revit so I import Revit library and it’s still not defined.

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
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It turns to “Not callable”.

I got it! 2 things I miss:

  1. import Autodesk.Revit.DB
  2. open/ close a transaction for process
    We need to put the process into a transaction open and close because these changes affects Revit File.

you need to use Geometry conversion (between Revit API and Dynamo API)

read this