How to Overwrite only on specific cells in Excel Template?

Please i’m trying to import data from Revit to Excel template using Dynamo (Excel.write To file #Node).
in the Excel file i’ve designed a template that will host the data coming from Revit via Dynamo.

The issue is if i select True for boolean ( in Excel.write To file #Node ) the data will be exported but the template will disappear (overwritten) !!!
& if i select False for overwriting the data will be exported (ok), the template will not disappear (ok) but the problem in that case if i delete an element from the Revit model its information will remain in the excel file as information are not overwritten!
Thank you

I had the same issue, I think there are 2 options;

Use Overwrite, but write everything to one excel sheet that get completely updated each time, and link the data to your formatted template (Using VLOOKUP or similar to find the correct data). (I prefer this for exporting things like quantities from a model. Just dump all the catgories and parameters in one big list and filter it out in excel).


Dont use overwrite, but before you write a block of data first write an empty list to the area where old elements would be. So if your list of data gets shorter, that area of your template will be cleared before the data is written to a smaller range of cells.



Thanks @Joseph_Peel for sharing with us these ideas :slight_smile:

Hi @Konrad_K_Sobon , please i’m now trying to export the data using Bumblebee package. but seems it dosen’t work in my case (i’m unable to export data to excel). please do i have any problem in the script ???

What is the version of your Excel? One of the user mentioned about issue with Excel 2016.

  • Ritesh

My friend ! i tried both Excel V.2016 & V.2013 but still dosent work :frowning:

please download this version of Bumblebee

Sorry about that but still the same problem (it dosent work for me) :frowning:
i’m now using Revit 2017.1, Dynamo 1.2.1 bumblebee 2017.12.2

you have spaces in that file path? connect file path to watch and let me see…

Here what you’ve asked for :frowning:

@segatakieddine please send your Dynamo file and I will test as well,

Hi ! here you find my Dyn file. … Of course the Dyn file is linked to a Revit model and excel file that i didn’t upload, However i tried the bumblebee with a simple list contains just numbers 1…10 and it was unable to export the data to excel :frowning:
Thank you
Auto Windows Orientation Detection 2.dyn (71.2 KB)

It works:

Revit 17.0.1081.0, 20161006_0315(x64), 2017.1
Excel 2016 (16.04566.1001)
BumbleBee 2017.12.2

make sure that you uninstall old version of Bumblebee
close revit
install new Bumblebee,
close revit
and try again

*remove spaces from your excel File Name and path

Sir ! i did all the steps ! & now it becomes hard for me to tell you again it was unable to export data :frowning: seems like a problem in my computer or software.
Any way thank you for you efforts! but is there any alternative package for data exchange between excel and dynamo that can overwrite on only specific rage of cells so it can maintain our excel template ??

Unfortunately not able to help further,

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@segatakieddine Uninstall all custom packages which your using then restart PC and then install only BumbleBee package. See if that helps!

BTW which MS Office version your using?

Stll same issue!! (i tried excel 2013 & 2016)

Well, it works for me.

Do you have excel open when you try to write to that file? it should be closed.

When it errors out like that, can you check the task manager and make sure that you closed any lingering Excel sessions? sometimes they don’t terminate and that will cause errors.

Ps. Please don’t scream at people here. Last time I checked they are all trying to help you.

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Konrad is right. If your excel file is opened while running the script, you’ll get that error.

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