Thank you for all ! i really appreciated your kind help to solve my problem !
I’ve decided to try this on another computer because it works for you all & me still facing the same problem although i followed all your advices & suggestions step by step. (maybe because i using cracked excel without license !) Thanks
@segatakieddine May be its because you have 2 versions of Excel in your PC. Try uninstalling one of them.
hi !
i found a solution to my problem that i want share with you
Simply users who doesn’t want to overwrite on the template they can use some excel tricks as flow:
- Create a sheet (DataBase) that will host the data coming form Dynamo to Excel ( Should be overwritten).
- In the template sheet create “Record Macro Button” to export the fresh data more efficiently form the database sheet once the data is updated. (use equal as function for cells in the template & its reference in the database)
Thanks to @Joseph_Peel
Thank you all
Hi segatakieddine
Thank you for the information posted.
I would like to ask you, how do you create this Record Macro Button you mention? Could you share an example?
Thank you!
I am attempting to do a selective replace and using both Read Excel and Write Excel. The Write Excel seems to only let you pick (1) Cell and then push values to the right or down from that location?
Is there a method to find specified cells and replace them with specified values (corresponding lists)?
Also I think there is an issue with Read Excel and Write Excel in the same script because the file is being accessed by one node and then can’t be read by the second?? is there a way to stop the read to allow the write?
Hi Adam,
You can write data into multiple cells using ListCombine.
You can search for a value in Excel from the output of Read.Excel node and retrieve the cell from its position in the list.
For having both the Read and Write nodes in the same script, I usually plug the file path to the read node, run the script, unplug from read and plug to Write…It could be worth trying Clockwork Passthrough node:
Hi @jsmm91
In order to get access to the macro functionalities in Excel you have first to activate the Developer Ribbon in Excel. please check out this video to do so;
good luck