How to loft a solid from Civil 3D polylines 3D in Dynamo?

Hi @jefili9693,

So how did you get them at the correct place? Did you did it manually or got the file like that already ? Because as I said if you have 3D polylines representing your tracks then you can use Dynamo for all !

For your current workflow, you can use the selection nodes on the autocad shelf to select them all by layer using the all objects on layer node :

You will need to make sure the profiles are in the correct order, following each other one by one. I don’t know that will be the case automatically as I asume you will get them as they were added to the database or maybe even randomly. To make sure they are in order you can use some list nodes such as the sort by key. There are many examples on the forum such as this one : Organized cogopoint list by number

There are also some dynamo community conversations talking about lists: 06 - Process data effectively using list levels - Dec 2020 - YouTube

You can then loft for getting the solids. As I say this may take some time depending on the number of profiles you have.