Hi all,
I am new to this obviously and just wanted to know how can I install the: “Make perspective 3D view at element location” node. I can install other nodes but this I can’t seem to find in the packages.
Thank you!
Hi all,
I am new to this obviously and just wanted to know how can I install the: “Make perspective 3D view at element location” node. I can install other nodes but this I can’t seem to find in the packages.
Thank you!
just create a costum node, select your nodes or codeblock set input/output and safe it to a specific folder…
store it here for example
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.13\packages
Do you have a screenshot or example post containing that node?
If I make some own custom nodes, do I need to save them there? Or is it possible to save them on an central place (sharepoint or ACC) so all modellers on different locations have access to it?
For standard custom nodes (.dyf files) you need them in each users definition’s folder, the location of which will vary.
Better practice is to generate a package containing all your custom nodes. This can be saved to the package manager or locally, and deploy that to end users via robocopy or other method (whoever is admin for your network will know the best way how and can likely implement it in under an hour - building your own tool will take significantly more time). While cloud sources can be made to work, as soon as the stars fall out of alignment (i.e. a windows update causes nodes to not load, or a change to the server causes search to take ages) things will fall apart.