How to identify the source package for a specific node?

Hello I am new to Dynamo and seeking for IFC export from Revit. I need to know the way to figure out the package that contains specific node. For example the following image

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I think @john_pierson developed a package/plug-in which told you which package custom nodes were from.

Yep. Not sure if it will work on missing nodes or not.

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You can use the ❄_Audit DYN File node in Sastrugi package or the WhatTheNode package but this will only work with Zero Touch nodes (not the python custom nodes) or the nodes referenced on Packages – Dynamo Nodes

There is also the Data-Shape view extension for prefixing nodes with the package name or copying the used packages to the clipboard.

Not quite yet. Right now it is meant for documenting your graphs prior to sharing.

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