How to generate smooth toposurface

Hi all,

We are attempting to generate a toposurface based on selected model lines in Revit; however, the resulting surface does not meet our expectations as you can see the top is flat and the lower left corner looks triangulated. Do you have any suggestions on how we can smooth out the result? Please refer to the image below for your reference. Thank you.

Hi @topo Welcome to the community, Please get yourself Familiar with this Welcome to the Dynamo Forum
Also Please be more specific about what u are after what have you done till now with a snip or maybe the script and dummy file stating what’s the issue as with the above statement it’s hazy.


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You could try building the surface in Dynamo using it’s geometr engine, get some points off the surface at a desired resolution, and use those to generate the topography instead of the contours.

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attempting for something like this with height control

Thank you, Jacob! I’m still getting acquainted with Dynamo, so I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide an example of what you’ve described.

What have you tried so far? I don’t have an example handy or the time to build one this week (getting back from a business trip so my work week is quite compressed), but I can give some guidance.

Perhaps Surface.ByLoft, Surface.PointAtParameter with correct lacing/list level, and Topography.ByPoints could help.

I think you want to make a terrain.Revit dose bad at this function.I use a dwg file which has many point,all points has z value.But the terrain create from the file looks awful.I seldom this function anymore.
If you use dynamo engine.How do you want to import it from dynamo.If it’s an importance,it can not be modified.If you use adaptive component,it’s too complex for terrain and would make the revit file size very big.

How did you make this checkered mesh?