Hello, I try to fillet both sides in a single polycurve, but it seems that the boolean option only allows me to fillet one side, so what could I do ? Thank you.
@Kulkul, I’m a little confused here… your solution still seems to create two Polycurves each filleted on either side… so there still isn’t a single polycurve with fillets on both sides
Am I missing something?.. because I am also trying to fillet both sides of a polycurve
The input Polycurve may have WIRE errors.
Try to remake the curve, this should then work with the lacing @Kulkul mentioned.
Lucky for you I just needed that functionality
I’ll try to update the springs package early next week but if you’re in a hurry, you can use the node below:
PolyCurve.Fillet .dyf (4.7 KB)
This wasn’t meant to be super performant tho.
@Ewan_Opie… in your solution your still getting a result of two polycurves. Each of those polycurves gives a result of “Numberofcurves=4”, the three initial curves from the polycurve and one of the fillets… I tried this solution and added a FirstItem node to see what that first curve is doing and what I ended up with was one curve with one fillet, the other curve has the opposing fillet
If I’m missing something, again, please explain… Thank You
@Dimitar_Venkov… Much appreciated!!.. for some reason though it doesn’t work for me… I’m using Dynamo now but had tried using it with the previous version and still had the same issue… I’m also using the latest version of Spring Nodes, 121.1.1… It could be the fact that I’m not exactly sure the proper way to load the dyf… If you can advise I can check that as well
Saving the “*.dyf” file in the “dyf” folder of the package and then restarting Revit/Dynamo should work fine. The easiest way to get to the root folder of a package is to go to Packages > Manage Packages and then pick the below option from the three dots next to the package:
The default star PC should work with a radius in the [~1:~0.001] range:
@Dimitar_Venkov, thanks for explaining the way to get that dyf file to work… That was the exact process I did and still ended up with the fillet+ node not working.
Today I’m working from home and thus am trying it out on my laptop rather than the desktop at work and still can’t get the node to function the way you have. I also installed the latest Spring Nodes package which seemed to come out today with the fillet+ node included, so I didn’t have to copy the dyf file from the other day… Still getting nulls for the results. I have tried changing the lacing also and I still get nulls… Any ideas why? Running Dynamo 1.3.1 … and yes Dynamo is running on Automatic
Hi @Vikram_Subbaiah, thanks for the reply! I tried this the other day and couldn’t get it to work… It seems to work for me now though. Looks like I will have to go back and look at why it might not have worked for me before.
My best guess is that another package is interfering with the DS block. The best course of action would be to copy the block out on to the main canvas, check the error message and see at which line the issue occurs.
Edit: If you have archi-lab installed, please update to the latest version. Older versions had a namespace clash with the “List” class.
@Dimitar_Venkov thanks for the “Edit” that did the trick
Where I ended up before I saw your Edit was that the issue seemed to be in the if