I have this script that creates views and dependents based on scope box, but now I need to create sheets for these views. How would I get Dynamo to create the same number of sheets as views, name them according to level and scope box, and number them according to level and scope box?
Get names of level and scope box. In a code block type in something like
levelName + " FLOOR PLAN " + scopeBoxName
Sheet numbers you’d do something similar. Adjust to suit your preferred syntax. You’ll may also need to manipulate the names of things a bit depends on how your project is set up. E.g. if you’re levels are called “LEVEL 02 - XYZ” you’d want to strip it down to just the numbers for your sheet numbers, but keep them for your sheet names.
You can then do a count of this list and send a list of 24 title blocks into a create sheets node.