Creating wall by profile by Python

Here is a code which creates a wall by profiles in Revit API

How can I use this method in Python Script for Dynamo?

I’d like to create walls by using perimeter profiles which created in Dynamo. because the original wall node can create only rectangular ones.


Hi Kim,

Have a look here:

Thanks Dimitar, I’ll look into it.

Thanks for the link. Have you been successful Hyunu? I’m quickly finding that I need to get into the Revit API to do what I’m after, plus Python.

My goal at the moment, given there is no Dynamo node to do this, is to query a Revit object that is created through the Draw gallery with a curve and retrieve that curve. For example walls, conduit, pipes, duct and cable tray. I’m just interested in straight lines at this point and am wondering if through Python, I can access this information via the Revit API. That’s my next endeavor and would love to hear from anyone if this is possible and perhaps see a code snippet of how it’s done.

Hi David!

What exactly do you need to extract? You can get the length pretty easy. And if you use Clockwork’s Element.Location node you can get the start/end points of the sketch based element.


Cable Tray

Hi Dave,

Like Paul said, the code at the link is not about querying but about creating. And yes, Dimitar’s code was exactly what I was looking for.

Here is a demo of my creation. I modified the code just a little.

Thanks, Dimitar.

Kim, I may have a simpler workflow for this topo thing:

  • create a floor bigger than the topo footprint

  • get the points from topo

  • edit the floor with Fllor node from Clockwork

  • attach base of the walls to the floor

  • hide the floor


topo walls

1 Like

Hey Paul! How are you mate?

You know, you just saved me a bunch of time. That custom node does exactly what I need (and great thanks to Andreas Dieckmann for the package!). I just need the start & end points of a few two-point placement categories. I just need to evaluate whether they are linear and treat curved ones differently. I think I can take the Python code and adapt it. I can reverse engineer something pretty good usually, but just didn’t know where to start! Thanks a ton, I owe you one :slight_smile:

Can you please teach me how to make the pyton script of this? I’ve already look your youtube channel but i do t know how to make the pyton script at the end of your tutorial…Could you please help me? It’s gonna helpful for my final assignment in architecture collage @Hyunu_Kim

You can download any of my scripts after buying me a coffee.

2020년 9월 28일 (월) 오전 2:07, Nurlinda Adelia via Dynamo <>님이 작성:

I want it, but i don’t find your script about creating wall by profile by python in your youtube and your blog. Could you please send me the link about that script?

which movie are you talking about?.

2020년 9월 28일 (월) 오전 10:06, Nurlinda Adelia via Dynamo <>님이 작성:

This one… you use wallbyprofile(python) in the end… but i cant find the link to download it

see the link

2020년 9월 28일 (월) 오전 11:07, Nurlinda Adelia via Dynamo <>님이 작성:

see the link

2020년 9월 28일 (월) 오후 1:53, HyunWoo Kim <>님이 작성:

Thank you… i will check it

Can i pay your script without using paypal or credit card? I mean with your personal bank account. I’ve tried to link my debit card with paypal account which i just made but it can’t link and i can’t buy it with paypal.