How to Convert model in placed families to Revit families


I am trying to create a script that will automatically convert the model in placed families into revit families by just selection.

Currently what are we doing is we create a model in placed families based on scan drawings.
AHU family model in place then we group it to be able to save it to revit family .RFA then reload the save family back to project. Is there a way to shorten the process?

Many Thanks,

Group Site gas switch.rfa (268 KB)

Model in place family:

Converted Model in palce to revit family:

One way to do that would be:
Select model element > element.geometry> Family Type ByGeometry or (Spring Nodes) Family Instance ByGeometry.

That way you would convert the geometry you created in place to a family. But it’s going to be just the geometry, any parametric dependencies would be gone.


Victor is right.

You could also try creating them as families to start with.

Another Awesome node… Springs.Form.ByGeometry works inside a family document.


Hope that’s of interest,


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Thanks for the reply. I will try this today and post it here.


I was able to convert if the model in plac family is in 1 solid but for 2 or more solids it will not covert into family. How do I combine the two soilds into 1 solid?

Answer: just join the geometry in the model in Place.


You could use the Solid.ByUnion node to combine the geometry inside Dynamo before pushing it to Springs.FamilyInstance.ByGeometry.


so by 2022 clockwork came up with new packages and basically we should be able to select the solid right. so we need a node that differentiates revit geomtry from dynamo geometry.
And then use the K-Family insert from sythesiser toolkit to convert it into any family u want.