Hello Guys.
I have a model with something like 10k elements, and several of them (i’d say about 80%) are In-Place models, and I need to bring them to Loadable families. I’ve managed to open the familyDoc from my project and create new Types in it, using the same name as the In-Place model (so I can position them later with no huge problems), but i can’t find a way to import the geometry I have in my project to this new familytype. My thought process was to filter them by category, and create ONE familyDoc for each category, which means that i’ll have more than 1k familytypes in some .rfa documents, and I don’t know if this can cause an issue in Revit.
Would it be easier if I export all of my families in project and them try to, somehow, merge the .rfa’s I want?
Is there any way to do this? Or there is a more logical/easy way for me to this?
Thanks in advance!
From the UI, the best way I know to do this is to edit the in place family, group the elements in the family, then export the groups as a library while still in edit mode. Easy enough with a half dozen or so, but you have… 7,500 of them? Yipes!
However the API doesn’t allow starting the ‘edit in place’ command.
As such you’ll have to query the geometry of each in place family, and with the geometry in memory start a new family document, and use the geometry to create new form elements.
An easier solution would likely be to take the solid geometry of the object (Element.Solids node) union those to a single solid (Solid.ByUnion node) and use that geometry in a FamilyType.ByGeometry node. You’re going to lose some data in this way, but without a pricey effort to build a full recreation you’re going to lose data.
Ideally you’d step back first and confirm the need - why are you doing this, and what is the benefit/need to pulling it out of the project into a family?
Honestly, i can’t see any benefit at all doing this, but it was asked by our client, after the model was complete hehehe, so…
I’m trying to work with the geometry in SAT’s right now to see if I can come with something up, i’ll be posting here any progress. Thanks Jacob
If all you need is geometry and minimal data (most can be transferred easily enough - materials might be hard but and most likely to be lost) then you can generate the family and place it where it ought to be in one go using the FamilyInstance…ByGeometey node.