How to align top of beams perpendicular to base of curved roof?


I have been trying to create beam system to support a curved roof. I am struggling to create beams perpendicular to roof face because that’s how they should be attached. Can someone guide me to right direction how to achieve this beam design.

I have attached some screenshots to help understand the type of roof that I am trying to design.

Thank You!

I guess it depends on the Revit version and Roof Family, If -for example- it is an in Place Family?
So tell us some more, and show what you have tried.

Thank you for your reply.

I modeled the roof by creating the form in massing & site tools, which then let me pick the form and convert it into roof.

The beams that I have in red are created by placing the walls and attaching them to roof base. This gave me the curved profile where I picked the top of wall’s line for beam tool and it created the curved beams. The small yellow beams are created using beam system (which also appears to be not attached to roof base but, I have found a work around for this by creating walls and using their profile).

I tried to work with the truss system by removing the angled members and keeping only the top beam profile but, the issue is same, the beams does not align perpendicular to the face of roof base.

Also, I found this YouTube video where it is shown that using a dynamo player, this type of alignment can be done. But, I am not sure how to create this type of script or would this work for a roof that has multiple curves in various directions.

Link to view:

In Dynamo you can derive the curve along a line from anywhere on the Face of Roof, Element.Geometry can get you to the Face in Dynamo Geometry as a starting point
And your probable gonna need an adaptive Beam, not sure

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Is that really what is being built? Individually custom curved and deformed W Shapes (I Beams)?

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Thank you for this information. I am going to explore this workflow and see if this helps me create what I need.

No, this is not actually being built, at least not right now. I am working on a project where I am exploring different structural systems that can be used to support a multi-curved, accessible green roof.

When I was doing something similar using bent lumber, one very hacky way I modeled this was to model a roof and then cut out the voids to give me my beams. This would give you visual rectangles for beams, if that is what you are after.

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Also, to get the perpendicular top edge to the roof, you could model the beams high and then cut them. I don’t think Revit will let you use a roof to cut, you can use a mass I think, but cut with voids must be on in the family parameters.

Otherwise, you’d definitely need some kind of adaptive component, which I can’t say I know how to do offhand.

All of this is extra difficult using a W Shape though, but I can’t imagine anyone would actually build that…

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To cut, you can use Reference planes
There are nodes to create them
Maybe there are nodes, i’m not up to to date

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