How to add tags on a linked model?

This is what I’ve, I add in the string that is connected to _linkedmodel the name of the linked model. but still it does not seem to work, any ideas?

@AismailMPH3Y ,

Be aware to test, whether your annotations and dimension will remain in the model, when you reload the link (changed link)!



the script does not work yet!

do you have any suggests on how to make it work?

Look at Get All Elements from Linked Model and its inputs. It takes a linked document, so you need to feed it a Document, not a string.

can this work on a cloud model?

@AismailMPH3Y ,

yes because you work with a model that you consume there is no difference… just look in your link manager.

Here’s one way to get the linked model document - example using the Revit Architectural demo file

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The OOTB Tag.ByElement node doesn’t work on linked elements.
Use the Create Tag node from the Genius Loci package instead.


Thanks for your help! for some reason when I do get all linked elements and see if they are available in my view that I want to create the annotation form, they all come out as false, thats why the create tag node did not work for me, any suggests why?

Instead of the IsVisible node use the SelectByCateOrTypeAndView node.
Connect the inputs LinkInstance of the SelectByCateOrTypeAndView and Create Tag nodes to the chosen RevitLinkInstance.

I’m not seeing a Linkinstance for SelectByCateOrTypeAndView


@Alban_de_Chasteigner I tried this way as well but still getting null

An old example :