Thank you!
I’ve run the API for several times, but error occurs.
Actually I’ve almost never used API, so I can’t understand what error means.
Is it the case that error occurs if Dynamo version is different?
Sorry to ask here but can you explain how can I use this? I’m trying to add sources to a sample line group and cán’t get that code to work in mi graph. Thanks.
I would also like to know how to sample the corridors. Thank you so much for your response. I haven’t been able to get information on this, apart from that thread. Thanks.
Oh okay I see. Sorry I am on phone on the weekend so I cannot take a look at it. Try to switch the script to ironpython 2.7 as it is less sensitive with tabs and spaces. Or enable the display of spaces in the options to see what causes this and change every indentation to space or tab. To add corridors change the TinSurface part to Corridor. But note that it vill add all available Corridors
You’re right. I’ve managed to add TIN Surfaces correcting the indentation. That Python script should recognize also corridor surfaces? Cause it doesn’t add them.
As for corridors, there shouldn’t be a problema if it adds all the corridors cause I only have one this time. But is there a way to just add specific corridors?
Thank you so much for your responses.
Theoretically all types listed here should work. Change “TinSurface” to the desired Member Name
You can add Corridor by name with source.SourceName property, but you should change the code so it filters out corridors first, then finds the one with the selected name.