How do I select Areas by their area scheme?

Okay, I am stumped. I am trying to write a script that will select all areas of a particular scheme (Gross Building vs Rentable, etc.). I can get Dynamo to select all of the areas to tell me what scheme they are in or what the Area Scheme Id is, but I cannot figure out how to select areas based on these results. Could someone please show me how to select the areas in a given scheme? Thank you.

List.FilterByBoolMask where the list is the original list of areas, and the mask is testing the area scheme element’s names or IDs against the selected area scheme ID or name.

I have tried every method I can think of to run a filter on the area scheme ID and I always come up with an empty list. It’s like the area scheme ID is in a format that I can’t access. When I try to filter by the scheme name, I’ll get a list of areas that’s equal in length to the number of schemes. I get the first instance of an area of each scheme instead of all of them.

Use the Element.Id node to return the Id. The Id is a number so you need to compare number to number.

Yes! Thank you! I swear I tried that node already but I must have had it plugged into the wrong place.