How do I get a parameter that is shown in the "Edit Type" list of a family?

I’m trying to go through and get the fire rating for walls in my project and add that rating to another families parameters, but I’m having trouble getting the parameter to show up in Dynamo. When I click on a wall and click Edit Type in the properties, the parameter is there and marked up with the correct fire rating. I’m trying to get this parameter to show up in Dynamo but I am unable to do so.

I can make a wall project parameter, put in the correct fire rating, and add it to the list of parameters shown in the properties bar and I can get it to show up Dynamo. I’m trying to avoid doing this since the information is already shown in the wall family. Is there a way I can get dynamo to show me the fire rating from the Edit Type parameters list?

and here is a picture of the wall parameter I want to add

You have instances of the family. To get to the family type parameters you need to get the family type (a parameter of the instances if I recall) and then get the parameter from the family type.

Hello @stevent and welcome to the Dynamo Forum!

I assume you are new to Revit as it seems that you are not familiar with the concept of element/instance parameters and type parameters.

  • Instance parameter: modify a parameter value for this element/instance only
  • Type parameter: modify a parameter value for all elements of the family type

You can´t call a type parameter from an element.
You have to call the type parameter from the family type.
So you have to get the element type from your element before you can call the parameter.

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I went through and added in an element type node and got the fire rating to show up. Thank you so much for taking to the time to help out with this @jacob.small and @gerhard.p