How do create a Point at parameter distance using Excel

Hi all, still new to dynamo, im trying to create a point on a line, using pointatparameter node but the point distance will be imported from Excel

Any ideas?

@bashir737 ,

ok , fine

Hi @Draxl_Andreas ,

sorry, but the code you provided make the point placement uniformly spaced.

I’m looking for a way to place point based on an excel data.

Are the excel values parameter values or distance values? It’s just a matter of providing the parameter value to the correct line. If those are distances then you need to compute the equivalent parameter value.

What does your list of curves look like and what happens when you provide both inputs directly to the PointAtParameter node?

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@bashir737 ,

check lacing, and converting

you dont need range function # start,step,stop`



Thank you got the outcome i wanted.