Help Using Dynamo/Revit Modules Through Visual Studio

Hello all,
I am trying to import Revit and Dynomo modules to visual studio with out any success. I tried a couple of ways:

  1. I added the path in Environment Variables to the “DynamoForRevit” folder from the Revit 2020 folder in program files, both on the system and on user. In both cases, the path doesn’t show in the directory when printing the system paths.

     *Environment Variables: Added DynamoForRevit to boths system and user.
  2. When Adding the python environment to the project solution, I added the path to the “DynamoForRevit” file.


I have noticed from many threads existing the people are pointed to file-Preferences-Json (or something like that) but I do not have that option. The only reference to Json settings is as in the following pic.

    *No reference to "Preference/Settings".

     *The only reference to Json Settings...

I would really like to use visual studio for typing the Python codes for Dynamo so appreciate any help!