Help me to set boundary for an element!

I have a curve, i want to set location for it. I think i need to make a boundary for this curve first, after that i will set location for the boundary. And when i do the 1st step, i have a problem. Can you help me ?dynamo 3

Are you trying to move the curve? If you are, you need to create a move transform and apply it to your curve. Something similar to the below:







Hope that helped.

Thank you Dimitar Venkov. If i have a random curve, and i dont know any identified point in this curve. How can i set a transform ?


You don’t need to specify a point on a curve to move the curve, you can specify an arbitrary point in space and move it relative to that point.

However if you prefer to have a point on the curve, you can always use an “evaluate curve” node to get a point lying on the curve and move it relative to that point.

Check out the definition below:

move curve

Just draw a curve in a mass family environment and select it with the select curve node in Dynamo.

Also I would suggest you check out some of the great transform samples in Dynamo itself. Just go to Help>Samples>17 Transform>

Hi Dimitar Venkov!

I have used your file you sent to me. It’s quite good for my project. In my last topic, when i ask you if i can select more than one curve to set points on these, you suggested me using Select element node. So in the file you sent to me, can you show me how to transform elements into a curve or something like this. Thank you for all your help.

Are you trying to move a Revit element from one point to another? From my understanding, you can only move elements generated from inside dynamo. You can’t move elements created manually in the Revit document itself.

Maybe you could give us a better idea of what you’re trying to accomplish and somebody will come up with possible way to do it.

Hi Dimitar Venkov. Here is my project. First, i have elements like curves, etc…And then i set location for them (This step is actually not important, because i can move them manually). Second, i will array points on these one with an equal distance. Then, i will create a point with identified XYZ. Then i make line from this point to these one on the elements.( It looks like in the pictures). The final step, i create a horizontal plane under the elements that it cut all the lines. The result i need is the projection of the elements on the plane.

I thank you for helping me. I am new in dynamo so there’s many things for me to learn. If posible, would you mind helping me to finish this project?


Manh, I think that some of the geometry functionality you are looking for, like finding intersections between a curve and a plane and projecting to a surface will be much easier in the daily build. Download from the Download page:


And you’ll find what you are looking for in the geometry library. You should be able to reuse most if not all of your current work when you open it in the newer version.

Hi Mahn,

I’m still not entirely sure what your end result is.

Here are some ideas to get you there hopefully:







The hermite spline will be a projection of the points on a horizontal plane and the bottom nodes will result in the intersections of the line with a horizontal plane.

Good luck!

Dear Dimitar Venkov!

It 's exactly what i intend to do and thank you so so much. But there is a small thing to make it 100% right. I need to make a spline with all the intersection points i have create, not with these ones on the original curve, but it doesnt working.PROJECT 1.3 I think you will have a solution for this.

There isn’t anything wrong in the picture. Can you verify that you have more than one point (XYZ) being passed into the Hermite Spline node? What does the error message say?

Hi Colin!

Here is what the error message said:


Is it possible that your cut plane is set too high and is missing the curves? Could you try lowering the Z value?

Hi Dimitar!

I ve tried to lower the Z value but it 's still error.

Here is my file. Please help me to solve the final step. Thank you

projection of element

Hi, I see what the issue is now. You’re feeding the spline node a list hosting other lists in itself. You must flatten all the individual lists into an individual list and then feed the info into the node.

To do that you can add a “Flatten Completely” node before the Hermite spline. Easy :slight_smile:



Dimitar! You are my salvation.

Thank you, thank you very much. haha.

But i still dont understand why we have to flatten all the points befor using Hermite spline???


Well if we look at the above example, the first thing to note is that the list on the left has some “empty list” values. Those are for when the curve ends below the plane and does not form an intersection point. So our first point of failure is when our spline node expects an input and we give it nothing. The second point of failure is the fact that to form a curve (or in our case a spline) you need at least 2 points. We however are feeding the node points separated in individual lists. So we’re only feeding the node one point, when it fact for it to work it needs 2 points.
You can of course feed the node a list of sub lists with each of them containing more than 1 point. Then each sub list will be taken as an individual transaction and be processed on its own.

So that means that if you want to have your curve run through all the created points, you have to host all the points in a single list. The flatten command does exactly that.

Hope that clears it up. I am no expert, so if someone more knowledgeable than me finds anything wrong, please do not hesitate to correct me!

Dear all

I ve applied this file in my project but it appear another error.


I think the error is the continuous polyline i ve used. because when i separate them, it still working. So how can we correct this error?

Manh Hung