Having trouble creating solid forms in Revit

Hey guys,
So I’m pretty new to Dynamo and wanted to play around with doing parametric warping louvers for a sun shading system I’m designing. So far though everything’s going smoothly except for when I try to turn the Dynamo geometry into an actual Revit Mass. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? I can provide more info as needed

I believe the error you’re receiving says something like “expected str, got int”.

Translating from code speak into plain English: “The function requires a word, but you gave me a number.”

You can put an Object.Type node after the 1…115…1 code block to understand this some more. Instead of th ename of the direct shape, you’ve given Dynamo numbers. It’d be kind of like using a calculator and inputting “zebra” and “potato” instead of “1” and “2” when trying to divide.

Convert the numbers in the code block to strings by adding a String.FromObject node between the code block and the DirectShape.ByGeometry node.

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