I want to see the global parameters in Dynamo Player as a drop-down menu and be able to choose from them.
How can I do this?
Look into the Datashapes UI++ nodes, as there is a drop-down which can be configured for this there.
I have many Global Parameteres that i use to sort the browser organization.
I have now put them in string form and I have to type their names myself, but I want to be able to select them from drop-down menu in dynamo player.
Their parameter type is category, series, subset which you can see in the photo.
I was unable to do this with the Datashapes UI++ package
What have you tried? When you execute the code a popup should trigger with a UI to allow you to select the values. This page may help: UI.MultipleInputForm ++ – data|shapes
I have three types of parameters that I want to make global parameters. The script I write assigns a global parameter to all three of them
Right, but what have you tried for implementing the user interface which was the original query?
I want to assign a global parameter to the Area plan view that it creates. But with this script that I wrote, it only gives a global parameter to one of the view. Also, I want to give a global parameter to three types, but I don’t know how to do this.
You need to show the node previews whenever you’re sharing a screenshot. Just showing the node logic doesn’t show any of the data or structure that you’re dealing with which is more commonly the issue.
If you want to select a single parameter for all three types (and that’s not currently working) then you likely have a list structure problem. If you’re wanting to select different parameters for each type then you’ll need to create a dropdown for each type.
I upload the file
In my file, there are 3 strings named Category, series and subset, and I want to use the drop-down menu instead.
Create Area Plan View and Sheet.dyn (206.6 KB)
It’s your responsibility to show us what you’ve tried and how you expect your graph logic to work. Most people don’t want to take the time to download your graph (which is useless without a test file), run the graph, try to understand what it’s doing, and then try to fix it for you. Most of the time a solution can be given just by seeing what the graph is currently doing. But you need to provide that information, not just expect other people to figure it out for you.
I just learned Dynamo and I didn’t know how to take a picture of the workspace
This is my script image
The script I run gives me the following image
If I want the result to be similar to this photo
Can you help me about this?
What isn’t working? The UI configuration in the blue groups (14, 15, 16) is accurate from what I can see.
I want the project browser to look like the picture with a green tick next to it, but with this script it looks like the first picture.
Unrelated to your query in the original thread. Please keep to one topic or things get untenable for those who want to help, and for those who want to learn from your posts in the future.
To fix the project browser you will need to set some parameter values for the views in question. Exactly which will depend on how your project browser is set up, so we can’t do the work for you.
Element.SetParameterValueByName will do the work though, you just have to figure out which parameter and what the values should be.
I want to be able to select the global parameters with which I arrange the project browser in the drop-down list. But I cannot connect this script that I wrote to the global parameters that I wrote in the group (11,12)
Please show work. We can’t keep giving you feedback on responses that don’t explain what you have so far and what you’re expecting at every step of the way.
First, figure out how to set the project browser sorting/grouping. Then setup the UI input to allow the user to make selections for the necessary inputs.