Getting and setting parameter values for parts under an assembly

I’m working on some assemblies that have parts for insulations and cladding of the wooden prefabricated wall elements. I need to filter the part under the assembly by a certain parameter and then set another parameter value. I tried some ways but they didn’t work. Can you help me figure out a good solution?

Thanks a lot for your help and time.


maybe add elements.parameters node to output of filter to see if the “Framing member”“” is a valid parameter in the list

Thank you for your input. It is a valid parameter but I do not understand the reason why it does not return any values.

Try the node 1bitBoolean suggested like this.

It may verywell be a “Valid Parameter” but you may need to aquire it through other means.
Such as the above example, a detail curve has a “Family Name” parameter but it is blank, Because thats not how you would get the name of the Detail Curve

To get the name of a detail curve with python you;
1.Collect all linesStyles
LineCollect = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines).ToElements()

  1. Get the line subcategories
LineM = LineCollect[0].Category
LineSub = LineM.SubCategories

Maybe filter here

  1. Loop through the lines & find the names
for Cats in LineSub:
    LineSubName = LineStyle.Name

Or maybe filter here

4.Output the Names

So you can see, that the path you want might not always be as direct as you would expect it even if you can see the element in Dynamo.

If you maybe try searching something like "“dynamo python” - “What you want to do here” with your assemblies you might find some python or dynamo related content that could help you with your goal.

I am sorry i don’t work with assemblies much but there are for sure others on this forums that could help you more directly, just not me.

Thank you for your input