Get RoomTag Head Position

Hey Guys,

probably a very simple issue for most of you…
I am trying to get the X and Y coordinates of a room tag with the rhythm node ‘Tags.GetHeadPosition’.
Why can’t i use this node for roomtags as shown below:


When i try to find a wall tag, the node works fine (although the get.location node doesnt work anymore)


I need to be able to align all kinds of tags so both need to work in my workflow.

Am i missing something obvious here or should i build a scope if node to select the node used depending on the tag im trying to align?

Hi @Garbage_Collector,

You can use the Tag GetLocation custom node instead.


Amazing as always!

I take it this wasn’t available yet in Dynamo 2.0.4? :slight_smile:

This API method is avalaible since Revit 2017 for room tags.
So it should work for Dynamo 2.04.

I cant seem to find that node:

It seems you have a very old version of the package.(2 years ago) Please update it with the last version.


Works now, Thanks!

This was on me. I have a fix in place now and will be pushing to the package manager soon.

A little background if anyone is interested. In C#, I am having to cast the object to it’s Revit DB type. So I had missed the roomtag use case, etc.

In Python, you don’t have to cast to the specific type, which is why the @Alban_de_Chasteigner 's awesome node just worked.

Thanks for sharing the error!



Very interesting :slight_smile: Always nice to learn a little background heh!

Thanks for sharing.

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Did you edit my title by the way?

I am sure it had the package name in there but its gone now, Is that not allowed?

Oh, I revised it to be more general for those searching (and tagged Rhythm in the tags). There is no “rule” about that or anything.

Ah alright, will keep that in mind for my next post. Thanks John!

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