Get Lines of Elements in View

Hello guys,

I want to get all lines of an Element which are represented in a view.
E.G. I have a section and I see a few parts of a wall and I want to get this parts (lines).

Example1: Ground View. I just want to get the visible lines of the walls on the view:

Example2: Section: I want to get all of this lines. The lines which cut and the lines which are projected on the view.

Something like the DWG Export does. He takes all visible lines and puts them on one flat dwg.
This is what I want. But I dont want to export everything to dwg and import again…

Is there a node which selects all visible lines in view?

Is my question clear?

Thanks for all responds!

Did you try in 3D “select edge” node and get lines into Dynamo?

The Select Edges selects also the 3D Lines.
And I want to get the lines automatically. Something like by Element.

Did you get any solution? @josef.radi

I think the first solution would work for this. Get the 3d edges, then project them onto a plane. Then find a way of excluding overlapping lines. I think I saw a package that helps with removing the overlapping lines.

Yeah, a tried that. But dynamo don’t get all the 3D edges of my beams for example

To get all the edges, you can get the solid. Explode the solid and get all the perimeter curves of the resulting surfaces.
Tried that?