Get left/right top corner point of geometry

Hi all,

I am trying to get all the vertex points of geometries but from that list only I want left top corner point or right top corner point or bottom left/right corner point. [any one of them].

Please let me know how to get it ?

@shashank.baganeACM , hi

you can just indexing your desiered point

I have already tried this but for some columns it is not working.
Try with this
Column numbering with columns elimintaed.rvt (3.2 MB)

@shashank.baganeACM ,

work around by min/maxPoint?



Also tried this but when it comes to rotated columns it wont give correct point. I have checked it many times and for that reason I used vertex nodes.

Check with the file that I have shared

What about something like this:

  • Get the solid of the column.
  • Get the vertices of that solid.
  • Sort & Group them by the X-coordinate.
  • Sort them by the Y-coordinate.
  • Extract the min./max. Point of that list according to the corner you want
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@Daan , hi

what do i next ?

Hi @Draxl_Andreas & @shashank.baganeACM ,

Something like this:


2022-05-29 Get Points by the selected corner.dyn (69.8 KB)


Hello M. @Daan

I tried another way (not to compete, to progress)

if I tilt the column (around its z axis) the u,v do not follow the face?

Thanks for the explanations in advance.


@christian.stan ,

that looks like boudingbox does not fit!

Yes @christian.stan I agree with you. In some of the tilted columns it wont satisfy the criteria. I have some columns with tilted and checked the same for such conditions. So @Daan how to tackle with this ?

@shashank.baganeACM , check out this:


if the diagram made here is correct (someone more experienced than me needs to confirm)
I leave you the script to move in this direction
forum anglais daan.dyn (25.2 KB)

I had also thought of another way (to make a bouding box including all the columns and to filter by the shortest distances leading to the corners of the columns)
create a function then apply it 4 times and classify them in the desired order with 4 lists at the end.
Capture d’écran 2022-05-31 115023


Here is with a bounding box and distances as mentioned
(it can be improved)
forum anglais vers bb.dyn (72.4 KB)
