Get index of lines

I am trying to make a script that automaticly makes the grids from a CAD and then places columns on the intersections of the grid i got the script working but the only thing i cant figure out is how to make it so the index of the line’s is automaticly and not like this now i have to fill every index by hand in the code block looking for some advice in to the right direction
Here a picture of the script

I would look into BiMorph nodes for the grid lines themselves, which is able to read DWG files and generate Dynamo or model curves from lines on specific layers (e.g. a grids layer in CAD).

Assuming you want a column at every intersection of each grid, I’ve attached the script I built recently to find grid intersections. It needs a bit of processing at the end to manage out the repeated intersections (I run each grid against each grid, so every intersection occurs twice.

grid intersections.dyn (37.9 KB)


Thank you for making time to reply, i will be looking in to you’re script as soon as i can. I will try and make it work together with my script maybe? As i also want the script to detect the CAD grid and then also create it in Revit. And then find the intersections and place columns.

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My script will work for revit grids as the input if they’re fed in as a list. You could alternatively source anything that generates lines by feeding them in after the grid.curve node. Bimorph nodes will be the key to source CAD lines without having to draw them in Revit.

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I will definitly check the Bimorph nodes out yeah i’m new to Dynamo and this is my first ever script self made. I appreciate it a lot that you are trying to help me out with this :smiley:. Grid.curve is a Bimoprh node? I’m not in the office today so thats why i’m wondering.

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No problems, always happy to help new users find their way :slight_smile:

Grid.curve is out of the box node;


bimorph is to turn CAD lines into Revit/dynamo lines;
