Get Element Types Present In Linked Model

I know it is possible to get specific elements of a given category across a link using the Element.GetFromLinkedFile node or the equivalent from archi-lab, but what I’m wondering, is it possible to get element types from the linked document? Specifically global parameters? Has anybody tried this or know of a node that already does something like this?

What I am attempting to accomplish is being able to copy over elements from a “seed” file into another. Sometimes those elements are from categories, sometimes they are element types. We use the startup file approach for Revit, and I’m looking at ways to automate the updates push when additions/changes are made to our master startup file.

Any and all thoughts are appreciated

Thankfully Konrad and others are very knowledgeable in python. :slight_smile: after pulling apart some nodes I managed to get this.

Will post to Rhythm!

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Was going to post to Rhythm, but I am on the daily build for testing. (I only update Rhythm on stable builds) Here is the graph instead.
ElementTypes.FromLinkedModel.dyn (6.3 KB)

As always John, your help is greatly appreciated! Will share results with the forum, you know, once I have some!


This is in 1.1.2 however :slight_smile: is that the new stable build??

@Tom_Kunsman its actually in this build discussed here.

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I will wait until the stable build. Thanks!

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Element Types From Link.dyf (3.4 KB)

Hey Gang,

I’ve included the node for getting element types from a link doc as a part of this post in the event that you would like to have it. Thanks again John for the code.

This is currently where I’m at with this graph. Now that I’ve gotten the list of the desired element types from my seed file, I am now attempting to copy those elements from the linked doc into the current doc.

Here is where I am running into some issues, due entirely to my own ignorance with Python. After doing some research with the SDK and trying to reverse engineer the element copy node from SpringNodes, I came to the conclusion that this is the method that I should use…

However, this again is where I’m getting hung up. If I’m understanding correctly, I need to define the source doc, the elements, the doc to be copied into, transform, and copy paste options. Here is where the python script I have stands right now.

Obviously I’m a little lost here at the moment. Any and all guidance/suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I managed to get something to work, but it is messy. I had one question though, would transfer project standards suffice?

Under normal circumstances, yes. However, because I’m trying to automate the process for BIM Coordinators to update project files with updates to our startup files, I want to be able to “cherry pick” the specific items that have been updated. The global parameters is just the first step in this process. I have the intent on being able to copy over several different element types from a seed file.

@Garret_Meierbachtol - I can see three problems alone in line 24:


Arrgh spelling errors! I will continue to work on this, thanks for the guidance Andreas!

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Hello all, I’m fairly new to Dynamo, and i can’t seem to find the node Get documents from Archi-lab.

Could someone please share its location or how can i obtain it.

Thanks a lot
