Geometry.scale dynamo to revit HELP

Hi! Im new to dynamo and i am having some trouble scaling between them.

Does anyone one how to get them aligned in the revit model? :slight_smile:

Hello @victoriano8924C assume you are in 2022…instead of spring familyinstancebygeometry and scalling, then try family insert from synthezise toolkit…here is an exemple…

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Thank you, that was very helpful!

I now have another challenge with this…

I am trying to color the room in 3d based on some data from a excel file. Basically, if the number under "“temperature control in winter” for the room is under 4, the room turns red in 3d. The number is under properties in room in 2d
The script goes through as you can see in the picture, but the 3d model is still grey.

Any tips on what i can do?

Thanks again

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great it could work…you other question about import data from excel and color elements in this run needs another topic…:wink:

Thanks, will do

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btw do you really need these rooms as family type and instance…probably in this case just do it with directshape much faster…if it what you need :wink:

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Thank you! I tried this and it worked :slight_smile:

For some reason the color is so unstable in 3d, but i guess thats another topic :slight_smile:

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Hi i mean someting with direct shape


Wow, this was very helpful. Thank you so much for your time and effort :star_struck: