How do I connect room information in 2d with 3d figure

Im trying to connect information about rooms from excel files to the properties of the rooms in revit. This I have achieved by using the following method down below.

I am also trying to color the rooms in 3D according to the level of satisfaction from the data now under properties in rooms.
This is the method I have used for this:

This works great, and I get this kind of 3D (depending on which properties i test for ofcourse)

My problem is this however:
What is the yellow “rooms” in 3D? Why are the 6 rooms duplicated, and one is yellow and small?
I can’t press the yellow boxes in 3D, but I can press the colored ones.

Ideally, i would want to be able to press the colored boxes (illustrated rooms in 3D) and get the same information as I get pressing the rooms in 2D. Now the “family type” of the colored boxes is only the imported version.

I tried following this youtube tutorial:

However, the FamilyInstance.ByGeometry does not exist in the version of dynamo with revit 2022

Can somebody help with this? I am new to dynamo :slight_smile:

The “ghosted” geometries you can’t select are the Dynamo preview objects. They don’t exist in Revit and are only for reference.

I’m guessing you have a scale or transform in your model that’s causing the Revit objects not to match the Dynamo ones. Do the room geometries align with the rooms correctly?

Thanks for joining in,

How do i check that? Im not completely sure what you mean

First check and make sure your new geometries actually align with the rooms you have in your model. Compare them against a floor plan or turn on the rest of your elements to see if the locations make sense. If they don’t, you can try the forum for similar posts on scaling geometry to your project units / coordinates. There should be enough information to get you started.

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My guess is that the project is not in feet for units, and as such the geometry will need to be scaled from project units to feet.


Thank you! How do i scale the geometry? I cant find a “simple” way in dynamo

Geometry.Scale should do the trick. Since the scale impacts not just the size of the shape but also the location you want to do so about the origin.

Sorry to bother you, but i still cant get it completely right. Im new to dynamo

Disconnect the family creation, and preview the geometry in the context of the Revit project (make sure geometry preview is enabled).

From there you can likely see where the issue is. My first though is that the scale point is off, but I can’t see where or how.